Nobody's perfect, and we're no exception. If you don't like your new Rodriguez after you've ridden it for a while, we've still got a solution.
As far as I know, we're the only bicycle manufacturer that makes this satisfaction guarantee. Then there are those who actually think we're crazy!.
If the bike is one of our 18 production sizes: We can discuss at length what you did not like about it and see if a solution can be found (stem change, minor adjustment at your local shop etc...). If we cannot come to a solution to the problem that is satisfactory to you, you may box up the bike & ship the bike back to us. We will refund the purchase price except for the shipping charges.
If your bike is a custom size, well then that's a little different then isn't it? If the bike is not comfortable, then we can determine what went wrong and modify, or build a new frame that fixes the issue. Usually, in a case like this it's as simple as the customer needs more stand-over height or something. Anyway, we have nothing to gain from having you dis-satisfied with our shop. If you need a custom frame size, and are nervous about whether you will like the bike or not, let us know up front. We can put something in writing that's agreeable to both of us before we build the bike.
The lawyer is telling me that I need to put a time frame on this, so let's say 60 days. That feels like a time frame that you should be able to work out any bugs right?
Our full online order procedure is here.
If you want to visit some of the out-of-state customer entries in our online-scrapbook, here's a few of them: