July 22, 2008
First of all "props" to Scott who did an awesome job as the mechanic on Redspoke. He took great care of me and I know everyone I talked to also had nothing but positive comments. Scott "rocks" (sorry about the pun).
I also had a ton of positive comments about my bike from many riders but I think maybe the best comment came from the person loading the bikes onto the van at the end of the ride. My S3 was one of the last bikes loaded and given my size at 6'4" it was one of, if not the largest frames in the group. When he picked it up he said "Boy this bike is light it must be carbon fiber", I said "Actually, it's steel."
I ride my Rodriguez with pride and really appreciate how well it performed during my ride from Redmond to Spokane.
Thank you for your support and my bike!!
Scott E