A Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On!

Angel Rodriguez co-founded R+E Cycles over 40 years ago. He’s no longer in the cycling business; for the past dozen years, Angel has been studying and researching earthquakes -- even building seismographs!.

Angel’s latest project is Brinco: a personal earthquake and tsunami early warning beacon. As we here in Seattle know too well, no one can predict when and where the next earthquake will hit. Brinco taps into the worldwide seismic data center to send localized alerts faster than earthquakes spread, giving you and your family the five, ten, or even 30 seconds needed to get to a safe place.

As most of us here in Seattle know all too well, it would be worth a lot to have those few precious seconds to duck, cover, or get outside. What makes Angel’s project so groundbreaking is that Brinco costs less than $200. At least that’s what it will cost, if his crowdfunding campaign is successful. You can find out more about Brinco and help get it into production here.

I first met Angel more than 35 years ago. Then, he was an inspired entrepreneur, a creative tinkerer, and had an amazing ability to put technology to work in new and creative ways. I even have had older customers tell me that the first personal computer they ever saw was at R+E Cycles. Angel built one from a kit! Apparently, Angel's love of tech hasn’t changed. If anyone can pull off such a life-saving, history-making project as a personal warning device, I would bet that Angel can. Brinco has launched, and I will personally be participating (on behalf of my scared daughter). Angel would love to invite you also to invest in Brinco. Be among the first to order a Brinco, or make a donation to help take the prototype into production.

This post is an update on my last blog post, A Classic Conundrum.

A personal message from Angel:
"My email is angel@volcanbaru.com and I would love to hear from R+E Cycles customers, especially if they ride a Rodriguez! All questions are welcome and answered!"


Angel Rodriguez

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