"Why is the bike just boring black?"

Rest assured that we have done some amazing paint jobs on Rodriguez bicycles over the years, and we can certainly do one on your new W2 Adventure. But, if you are traveling the world, read this:

It would seem to make sense that an expensive bike should look expensive, right? Well, Willie, and our customers who travel to remote areas of the world prefer to have their bike look as inexpensive as possible. It seems that drawing attention to your $2,000 bike in a country where the average salary is $1.00 a day isn't such a great idea. The trick is, to make a bike that does everything that a $2,000 touring bike should do, but look like an average touring bike. Parking your subtle, 'boring' black Rodriguez right next to someone else's neon yellow to red super fade bike becomes a priceless advantage that you'll soon be enjoying.

The only draw back: you're friends here in the states will all wonder why you spent so much money on a bike that is 'boring' black.
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