If I put a pdf document on my the-towles.com server inside the public_html directory,
I can open it fine in my Safari 4.1.3 browser.
Here's what it looks like:
The same document put into the public_html folder on my rodbikes.com server will not open.
Here's what it looks like:
The same situation is true for every pdf document that I put on the 2 different servers. Every pdf on the rodbikes.com server acts this way, and they all worked last year at this time.
Can you tell me why it would act differently on the 2 different accounts. I have also tested the pdf documents on my avvanta account and they all work there as well. I can access pdf documents from every other website that I've tried as well...except the ones on rodbikes.com
I spoke with phone support, but not having the same browser as I do, they couldn't help. I'm hoping that someone can tell me why this problem only exists on pdf documents that are uploaded to rodbikes.com and all of its sub-domains.
Thanks in advance,
Dan Towle