It might still be winter, technically, but we can all feel spring approaching in our bones. Now is the time to start getting ready for your 2019 summer riding season. Depending on what your plans for the summer are, there’s a lot of steps you can take now to get your season started right.
Is your bike looking a little rough at the end of winter? Maybe it’s just been sitting since the rain started last year? Now is the time to get a head start at the repair shop. Pretty soon everyone is going to have the same idea and you’re going to end up waiting a week or two just to get some minor work done. Here’s what you should be checking for on your bike:
- Brake pads – Are they worn out? Glazed? Misshapen?
- Disc rotors – How thin are they getting? Are they warped?
- Rims – Is the brake track getting worn? Is the wheel true?
- Drivetrain – A stretched chain can ruin everything.
- Shifting – Is it crisp and smooth? Need new cables and housing?
- Tires – How worn are they? Is dry rot causing cracks?
- Headset – A loose headset can cause permanent damage over time.
Maybe a repair is just the excuse you need to upgrade a few parts, or maybe you just want to get that shiny new set of lightweight wheels. Upgrades can be a lot of fun when it makes your bike feel fresh and new again. This is the perfect time to start picking out parts. Special orders can take a while and new wheels have to be built, so always factor in that extra time. That’s not including the actual installation process. Here are some upgrades that give good bang for the buck:
- New wheels – This is by far the most impactful upgrade you can get. Rotational weight matters more than static weight so saving a small amount on the wheels can really change the performance of the bike.
- New tires – Tires affect ride quality more than anything else. A light, supple tire can smooth out bumps and decrease rolling resistance. This not only makes you faster, but decreases overall fatigue.
- Better brakes – It’s easier to go fast when you have confidence in your ability to stop. Sometimes all you need is a nicer brake pad or disc rotor to make a big difference.
- New bar tape – It doesn’t sound like much, but some new springy bar tape with a grippy surface can both reduce hand fatigue and give your bike a nice clean look.
Check your fit
This is the one riders don’t think about until it becomes a problem. Getting a professional fitting can get your riding season started on the right foot and prevent unnecessary injuries that might keep you off the bike. If you’ve been having issues with numbness, tingling, or especially knee pain, you probably need to have your fit looked at. We’ve never heard of anyone regretting a professional fitting.
A new bike
Is it time? Is the old steed just not meeting your needs? Do you have new cycling goals that require a different type of bike? Do you just have N+1 fever? Few things match the joy of a new bike. Don’t wait until the week before that big ride you want to do. Bikes take a bit of time to break in, so keep that in mind. A handmade bike from R+E takes weeks to build and that wait only gets longer as the season heats up. Let us know if you’re ready to take the plunge.
The first day of Spring is less than three weeks away and time gets away from all of us. Summer will be over before you know it. Make those plans. Map that ride. Schedule those cycling trips. Get that bike ready. We’re here to help with you any way we can so give us a call or come by the shop. We’ll be here.
Some articles and links that might help:
- Our repair packages
- Fit services, methods, and history at R+E
- What should a bike frame be made of?
- How do chains stretch?