Printed in festive red and green letters the slogan glimmered on the poster stapled to the telephone pole under the street corner light. Santa had to adjust his glasses just to make sure he was reading the poster correctly.
“Well Ho-Ho-Ho, what do you know. I do believe this is related to the “Dear Santa” letter that I received before Christmas from my most inventive elf Wunorse. That crazy old elf, he could have just texted me. I mean we just got 5G at the North Pole for goodness sake.”
Santa looks over his shoulder and sees Blitzen texting a message on his new phone. That was Mrs. Clauses’ idea, get the reindeers new cell phones for presents this year.
“Why does a reindeer need a cell phone anyway? Heck we should have gotten them something more practical like bicycles.” Santa blurts out loud to nobody in particular.
“You know, there is a lot of attention on these E-bikes right now and it wasn’t just Wunorse that put the ‘Disruptor’ bike on their wish list. I had so many requests this year for this new E-Bike called the Disruptor. Hmmm, maybe there is something to these E-Bikes with the powerful motor, automatic electronic shifting and custom frames built to the riders specifications.”
Santa ponders a thought as he looks down candy cane lane, a light snow falls from the North Pole sky and it appears Blitzen has discovered something called geocaching.
“For the love of all the mistletoe on this earth, I should treat myself to one of these Disruptor bikes. An E-Bike that shifts automatically, sports a 750W capable motor, can shift under torque and the bicycle is hand built in the USA to my specifications… what am I waiting for”
“Blitzen, put down that phone and get your lazy reindeer antlers over here, we are heading to Seattle!”
“Ahhhh, Santa – Can this wait until I finish the whack-an-elf game I just downloaded?” Blitzen said emphatically.
“NO!” Santa quickly retorted.
Santa and Blitzen plot their course and soon they are heading south to R+E Bicycles located in the University District of Seattle WA.
“Ho-Ho-Ho Let’s goooooooo.”
The journey was quick and they arrived at the shop with a clatter, Dan the company’s owner came out to see what was the matter. A man and a reindeer is what he did see, how cool is that he thought, Santa is here at R+E.

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