We've discovered some issues with our site and Explorer 8 If you're seeing this page, then we have detected that you are using Internet Explorer 8. We want to apologize in advance for some problems that we've recently become aware of. There are some glitches for people using that people using Microsoft Explorer 8. We are currently working on the issues. It works OK in the newest version of IE8, but some of the older versions will drop complete parts of some pages. We've been testing the site as we work on it using IE 5.1 as well as the newest versions of Firefox and Safari. Although it works flawlessly in all of those, IE 8 has some real different problems that we'll have to adapt to. The site does work in IE8 but if something looks wacky, realize that it's only that way in IE8. Click here to continue in IE8 without this message. If you want to run Firefox on your computer, it's free, it's super secure, and works extremely well. It works on both PC and Macintosh. I can be downloaded here: Download Firefox We apologize for any inconvenience. |